About Vera

Vera's portrait image

Vera is a senior graphic designer with more than 10 years of experience in both print and digital forms of marketing collaterals. She has worked in both Asia and USA in her career and is able to communicate fluently in both English and Mandarin. Besides coming up with ideas and realizing end product using graphic software, Vera is also a people person. She loves working with different departments to evolve ideas from concept to final implementation and negotiating with vendors to ensure the goods are of quality at a reasonable price.

Vera also has 5 plus years of experience in managing a team of graphic designers in the art department. On top of supervising projects and consulting design directions, Vera is accustomed to shift priorities and work simultaneously on multiple projects and meet the deadline.

Currently, Vera is learning how to code in more depth. Besides some working knowledge in CSS and HTML, she is learning JavaScript and jQuery. She is a fast-learner and loves trying out any new design related programs and software. The latest Adobe Creative Cloud software she has learned is Adobe XD. Vera hopes to make some mini sites and apps in her future projects.